French Lessons in Limousin

Local, Nationwide online French lessons

 With a native French Tutor based in Haute-Vienne, in Limousin

10 km from Bellac train station, 35 km from Limoges airport, 40 km from Limoges train station,  70 km Poitiers airport,

80 km From Angouléme train station

"LA BOURGOGNE” My home region

(ma région Natale)


Breathe the crisp clear air of the natural and untamed Loire river valley.

Sancerre, a hilltop village, surrounded by vineyards that produce renowned French wines.

Savour goats cheese in Chavignol

Only 224 km from Paris, The Mountainous Massive Morvan Regional Nature Park

La Vallée de la Loire, Sancerre, Chavignol, Pouilly sur Loire…

Lac des Settons, is 600m above sea
level and was built in 1858 to swell the
river waters to allow timber to be floated

down river to Paris.

Lac de Panneciére and its dam were built between 1937 and 1949 to protect Paris from flooding by the Seine.

Experience breathtaking scenery and the tranquil ambiance of the massif.

The wild rivers and natural springs
of Morvan.

At Lac des Settons there is a water sports

centre where a range of water activities can
be enjoyed